Often you need to debug dynamic SQL statement. Simplest way to do this is to print statement. Because of 8000 char limit (400 for unicode), it is hard to do in "standard way".
here is an example:
There are some methods to print string by UDF etc. I propose simpler method: print XML which will contain your string (xml is not limited by char, by size in SSMS settings only - default is 2MB
So here is an example for this string:
Disadvantage of this method is that all standard XML symbols like <,>,! etc are changed to ampersand sequences (eg > is changed to &dt;)
here is an example:
DECLARE @Very_big_string NVARCHAR(MAX)= '' ; WITH c AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY o1.object_id, o2.object_id ) RN FROM sys.objects o1 CROSS JOIN sys.objects o2 ) SELECT TOP 9999 @Very_big_string = @Very_big_string + REPLICATE(0,4 - LEN(CAST(rn AS NVARCHAR))) + CAST(rn AS NVARCHAR) + CHAR(13) FROM c PRINT @Very_big_stringLast result will be 0800 - 4 chars for digits and one for end line - char(13) (4+1)*5=4000
There are some methods to print string by UDF etc. I propose simpler method: print XML which will contain your string (xml is not limited by char, by size in SSMS settings only - default is 2MB
So here is an example for this string:
DECLARE @Very_big_string NVARCHAR(MAX)= '' ; WITH c AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY o1.object_id, o2.object_id ) RN FROM sys.objects o1 CROSS JOIN sys.objects o2 ) SELECT TOP 9999 @Very_big_string = @Very_big_string + REPLICATE(0,4 - LEN(CAST(rn AS NVARCHAR))) + CAST(rn AS NVARCHAR) + CHAR(13) FROM c SELECT CAST('Here you can preview your string in XML viewer.'+@Very_big_string+' ' as XML)
Disadvantage of this method is that all standard XML symbols like <,>,! etc are changed to ampersand sequences (eg > is changed to &dt;)
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